Posts tagged Macy's Day Parade
Fresh Holiday Traditions: Pumpkin Pancakes

Phewee, friends! So sorry for my lapse in communication. Quick jaunts to NYC have a way of knocking me off my routine in the most fabulous of ways. I was there for my 24-hour job, and the city once again did not disappoint. For the first time ever, I had the opportunity to visit the Met, Central Park, and make a dent in the inventory at FAO Schwartz.

And now I'm home and so ready to share with you this lovely Fresh Holiday Tradition from the glorious, Jen Cooper. She's sharing a family favorite! Have you ever made pumpkin pancakes? Oh, yummm.

Much like Jen and the Cooper clan, our family loves Thanksgiving morning. We spend Thanksgiving Eve putting together our Christmas tree and chopping vegetables and fruits for the stuffing. Thanksgiving morning is filled with savory smells as my husband and daughters prepare the turkey, and all of us hang out in our PJs until after the Macy's Day Parade ushers Santa down the lane.

Typically we shy away from the TV during holidays, but the excitement of the parade with the balloons and Broadway productions is the perfect way to kick off a day of fun and togetherness. I love sharing my favorite characters with the kids, and they love to Ooh and Ahh with new surprises and performances.

It's an event we look forward to all year round.

Thanksgiving is just weeks away. How do you make it a special occasion for your family?

Next week I'll be sharing a special project you can do with every member of the family around Thanksgiving!



Check out the other posts in this series…
5 Minute Gratitude Journal

About Fresh Holiday Traditions…

I’m working together with my blogger buds Melissa, Jen and Alexandra to show off eight fresh holiday DIYs. Every Wednesday stop by any and all of our blogs to find something new for your family this holiday season.

xoxo, MJ