Posts tagged conversation
If I were a _______, I'd be...

Sometimes simple events really capture my imagination. Brittany of the The House that Lars Built and Meta from One More Mushroom have put together a fun giveaway, asking folks to Instagram a photo that answers, "If I were a room, I'd be..."

I'll admit it I love asking people the silly what if inquiries. I've been known to throw in a good, "If you were (insert here vegetable, fabric, vehicle, etc.), what would you be?" to your average cocktail hour dinner party. Some find these sorts of questions forced, immature, and stupid. I find that they lead people to creativity, even if through a mocking and sarcastic path.

I hadn't yet thought about what kind of room I'd be (until yesterday), and I really enjoyed clicking through some of my boards on Pinterest to remember what visual spaces had inspired me.

I landed kerplunk right on this one, and it's playfulness, bold feel, and all around joyful aura made me say If I were a room, I'd be this one right here.

Featured on SF Girl by Bay and photographed by Adriaan Louw

I hope that I get picked to win the something fancy for my home decor, but even if I don't, I have loved seeing the rooms of people I know and imagining the kinds of people that might be attached to images I see coming in.

Look at some of these other interesting submissions:

What Every Creative Needs: A Space to be Inspired by Nature from Eden Hensley

If I were a room I'd have a special space you have to sneak away to to read your books. from
Ashley mae Hoiland

Dreamy kitchen from Country Living mag from Melissa

Check out the entire collection by following the #ifiwerearoomgiveaway. Go ahead and enter by Friday, too, but just realize, I'm gonna win!

I don't have a giveaway to offer, but this "what if" game has me thinking...

If you wanna play along, use the hash tag #ifiwereanoutfit. It's even okay to offer more than one idea. I'm still putting mine together, but I'll be sure to share once I've come up with something that fits me.

Have a bright weekend, and don't forget to celebrate the normal!

xoxo, MJ

Talking on Tuesdays

Hellloo there. Yesterday I mentioned a few things I learned while on my blogiatus (blog + hiatus). I really missed hearing from you lovely people, missed hearing your ideas and wahoos and helpful links.

So, I'm dedicating every Tuesday to chatting. You know, like if we actually lived near each other (and could coordinate childcare/work schedules) and we could sit down over a decaf mocha (or I could at least) and shoot the breeze the way we once could when one afternoon class was as demanding as it got.

Sometimes we'll dive deep into something heavy, deep, and real but mostly we'll just chat like old girlfriends over our screens and share ideas and questions... and well, life. The whole point is to add your voice so I'm really hoping you'll return Tuesday after Tuesday and click that comment link. I promise to have something to say in return! Let's keep it fair and playful, k?

So I made time over the weekend to sit with the last three months of Real Simple and Better Homes and Gardens. Typically when these periodicals show up in my mailbox, I get excited and look forward to plopping down after kids are settled with some beautiful photography and lovely styling. However, more and more, or less and less do I find myself making time to do this.

I wonder why?

One reason is definitely the fulfilling blog reading I'm up to lately. When you read and follow Nicole or Em than the need for monthly magazine inspiration is not so acute. Bloggers have stepped it up and offer amazing projects and parenting ideas that I can see new every day, and it's always at my fingertips since my laptop and I seem to be surgically attached.

Also I wonder if I'm becoming more trained to digest information when it's presented digitally. When I can click on a link and feel more powerful because I've just gone "deeper" into the matter. Do I feel more educated because I read it on the most recent, innovative gadgets I own?

And yet, just like archived objects of my past, I found myself fishing out stacks of Real Simples and Wondertime (remember that one?) and Cookie and Family Fun magazines from underneath my bed. When I hit a bookstore, I peruse the stacks of design mags... and long to let the pages of Kinfolk and Uppercase flip open in front of me. I love paper and its texture. I notice the gloss and grain of each magazine and enjoy the ads as much as the articles. But in some ways these colorful, artful pages feel like mementos to be treasured, something a bit from the past.

Where do you fall on the matter? Do you still love the feel of sitting down with a great magazine and a cup of coffee? Or would you prefer to see it all on your Ipad or Kindle?

Join the chat! XOXO, MJ

PS. I "interviewed" my 8-year old on this topic. She loves getting her Highlights magazine in the mail, but is thrilled to download the latest apps, too. Her final decision? She'd prefer digital so that she doesn't have to worry about (me nagging her to) putting the magazines away. Yeah. That too.