Posts tagged fitness
The Happiest Monochrome You Ever Saw

Hi, hello! How are you, friends? I feel like I've been on a silent retreat for a week, and now all I wanna do is gab and give you a hug to tell you how much you've been missed!!

Welcome to the new monochromatic Pars Caeli. I'm a girl in love with color so this is going out on limb for me, but I'm hoping this new ste up will allow all the colorful creations and inspirations to pop right off the page and into your life. I have some great fun planned for the coming weeks, and I'm completely grateful you're taking the adventure with me!!

Here's the skinny on what's up: for the fall semester (I still live my life according to the academic calendar), I'll continue my three days a week posting - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. A funny thing happened to my waistline over the summer - it expanded! And instead of putting on my freshman 15, I put on my indulgent summer 15, so I'm vowing to use my time away from the blog to animate this body back into motion. Yes, my friends, there's some nutrition, running, and yoga in my future. I don't one regret one s'more or second plate of pancakes - I let myself enjoy the loveliness of food - but now it's time to get back in the groove. Are you feeling it, too?

My hair got nine inches shorter with a bit more sass, and you're going to see some of that same busting out around here, too. We're talking weekly projects, new series, fresh collaborations and a whole lot of good time. Ya with me?

Are you ready for fall and the amazingness it brings? Check this out for a little bit of inspiration.

I'll see you here tomorrow to share our fall bucket list (is yours ready yet? Here's what we dreamed up last autumn). I'd love to hear what you're up to..

xoxo, MJ



Grown-Up Goodness: Feel Good Fitness

Happy Tuesday! It's time for some more Grown-Up Goodness. Did you see last week's summer markets post? Ah, I just can't resist fresh produce straight from the farmers themselves.

What's next on your list for the summer? Are you making time to drench yourself in the gifts of the sunny season?

True confessions: I was a bit surprised at myself when I was compelled to put "running" on my list. Really? With the beautiful days of summer, I want to go running? For those of you who don't know me outside of this web home, let me say that I did not grow up as a runner/jogger/athlete. My body is not genetically engineered for such exercise, and although I would consider myself moderately fit, taking on a run for just for the joy of it has never been a part of my imagination (and I have a fabulous imagination).

However, in the early days of our relationship, hubby and I went for runs to have some time for conversation and to enjoy the beauty surrounding us. We even entered races. Well, other people raced, and I was super proud of myself for running alongside determined, well-trained, fit folks. My husband was always good enough to jog at my side. Companionship up a 4% incline is a real gift from God!

With the family and three kiddos now, it's tough to find time/money (= babysitter costs) to pair up for a jog, but on rare occasions we still get to run side by side. It takes me back to our first conversations, and it makes me feel great that we will have many more, thanks to the time we're investing in our health.

I've gotten to the point now, after two 10Ks and a handful of 5Ks under my belt, that I really enjoy running, even on my own. And summer running...on trails, on tracks, on roads and like no other.

Does summer make you want to breathe deeper and feel healthier? We find ourselves playing impromptu volleyball games and swimming, jogging out to get the mail and racing to the top of the stairs. All small activities but ones that add up to a feel good, healthy summer.

And when better to feel your best when requires us to wear less to keep cool. It's been a goal of mine for a long time to have shapely arms, and I'm working on it.

Let me leave you with this awesome, short video from a blogger friend, Janae. Check out her blog, Bring Joy for all kinds of fabulous. I find her approachable, quick fitness videos right up my alley.

What's your best way to stay fit and bask in summer? Do they go together for you?

Thanks for popping over! Meetcha' back here tomorrow for some Mommy & Daddy School.